Ceremonial handover from construction to operation of the SuedLink field investigations regarding high voltage direct current transmission
After planning the installations for the SuedLink test sites in 2020 and 2021, the construction of three test fields with several heating simulators which generate the same thermal energy as the underground cables in operation was completed at the end of 2022. The construction phase was a special challenge for everyone involved, which we mastered very well together with our partners. In the construction sequence, it was necessary to design the sampling and measurements to be carried out flexibly in consultation with all other trades, and at the same time the construction work had to be carried out in accordance with the scientific requirements. In the process, a very comprehensive sensor system was installed.
To now conclude the successful construction phase from the ground-breaking ceremony to the dismantling of the construction sites in December and to herald in the next phase of operations, a ceremonial handover took place on Tuesday the 31th january 2023 at the southern test site Gut Dunau near Seelze.
Within the operational phase, periodic plant and soil sampling will be carried out over the next 4 years with regard to the focal points of crop production, soil regeneration and soil thermal transport. In addition to the evaluation of the field and laboratory analyses, the data from the sensors must also be examined. Through these evaluations, we hope to get a picture as accurate as possible of what effects these HVDC underground cables actually have on soil and plants.

More Information regarding underground cables.
GeoZentrum NordbayernHans Schwarz, M. Sc.
Chair of Geology (Prof. Dr. Stollhofen)