Electrical resistivity measurements on a large horizontal ground heat exchanger in Bad Nauheim
In the context of the KNW-Opt research project the area with a special horizontal heat exchanger installed – located in Bad Nauheim – is geologically and pedologically investigated by the very shallow geothermal working group of the GeoZentrum Nordbayern. This double layered heat exchanger is used for cooling and heating a new district in Bad Nauheim. Therefore, our researchers Mario Rammler and Hans Schwarz performed electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) measurements at the site on the 7th April 2021. By measuring these transects information of the ground water observation wells can be transferred on the investigated area. Furthermore, the geothermal potential can be estimated. With the measured sections also local or small-scale variations can be detected, which enables a more precise interpretation and a more profound modelling of the subsurface.

GeoZentrum NordbayernMario Rammler, M.Sc.
Chair of Geology
GeoZentrum NordbayernHans Schwarz, M. Sc.
Chair of Geology (Prof. Dr. Stollhofen)